Reach One
Beulah's Inspirational Corner
Life Coach/Mentor-Talk to youth about everyday life challenges and ways to cope with them
Health & Wellness-provide information about the human body and how to care for the body
Health & Fitness- Teaching Health and fitness,basic of nutrition, and creating healthy habits Financial Literacy-Provide financial literacy and credit building education
ALH Modeling-Motivator and supporter of their dreams. Modeling coach
Basic Life Skills-Instructing on activities of daily living
Looking and Cooking with TT-Zoom cooking class
Mental Health-Educating youth on Mental Health Issues
Mass Communication-Learning the skills broadcasting
Jump Start Program-Collaborating with local businesses to employ our youth
Real Talk- Current foster youth (caterpillars-13-17yr) ex- foster youth (emerging butterflies18-30) and seasoned foster youth (soaring butterflies 30+) will share life lessons with each other and establish a sisterhood/support system via zoom meetings